Welcome to Yoga San Kalpa Teaching School, where tradition meets innovation to cultivate truly exceptional yoga teachers. We provide a transformative and professional training experience that prepares graduates to teach with confidence, precision, and respect for the rich lineage of Yoga. Rooted in integrity, our curriculum goes beyond the surface to offer a deep dive into the history, philosophy, anatomy, biomechanics, and alignment principles that form the foundation of yoga practice.
At Yoga San Kalpa, we are committed to ensuring our trainess emerge not only with the technical skills to lead classes effectively but also with a profound connection to their own truth and purpose. Yoga is more than a practice—it’s a lens through which we navigate life.
In an industry flooded with trainings of varying quality, Yoga San Kalpa stands apart by raising the bar for professional-level education. Our graduates are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and tools to step into a teaching profession confidently, or to deepen their personal journey with authenticity and insight. Here, your growth is not just about gaining skills but aligning the Self and discovering how yoga can shape your life and the lives of those you connect to.
Yoga San Kalpa Teaching School
Martha’s Vineyard ~ Western Mass ~ Worldwide/Virtual
617.828.9653 yogaonthevinemv@gmail.com